
Sound card or the card is a card to your computer, audio input and output. Voices we hear, when listening to songs or other forms of consumption or the audio output from computers have it.

Computer Audio / Audio driver for the proper functioning of the sound card. Tickets are composing mainly for multimedia elements of audio or audio, such as video editing, games, music. Some teams are in the audio or audio, and some teams need more cards to this feature.

Drivers allow the speaker to the audio output and save the audio input devices such as the microphone attached to your computer. It can also handle audio, which is stored on disk.

Are potatoes and other systems for the conversion from digital to analog and vice versa.

I believe that the data from analog and digital hardware are processed. with drivers for PC cards used to improve the sound, and listen to audio recording. Therefore, we will use computer to listen to music as sound.

The cards are basically three parts or categories for the installation. The first card itself. It's installed on the motherboard of your computer. The second group has a sound card. You must ISA Forum / PCI motherboard. The third category is an external sound card. Use to connect to another computer, external USB ports.

Listen to the sounds all digital audio transmission of the information you receive, MP3, digital signals to analog DAC will be converted to digital or analog speakers. Similarly, when recording audio microphone, converts the analog signal into a digital signal from the ADC or the analog to digital and stored on the hard disk in MP3 format, or the like.

Therefore, stereo driver that life without computers and audio can not play music or other sounds, which enabled computers to listen to our punishment. An important part of your computer sound recordings, and then, without this feature, the teams seem to be incomplete .


All users of the computer and the three most threats to your computer spyware, malware and viruses are the computer, either fraudulently or hidden, and there is much damage to your computer.

If the malware, in particular, "is the name of protection" is an anti-spyware software, but is designed so that it vulnerable to attack and able, it's worth, when in fact nothing more than can cause damage.

Some of the other programs from a group of rogue anti-spyware program will ask you to install this software on your computer, but its reality in the funding program already downloaded and installed. If your "protection" you can remove the system to search for programs that check a threat to the programs and abuses identified in infected, but not if you give your credit card number or other payment approved the acquisition program.

Their protection is usually associated with other malware to the implementation of a program that recognizes it as a threat to stop for his car. If you buy the program if the warning appears in the files and programs on your computer, as follows:

The computer is in danger from a remote computer or network!

You should buy the program to prevent future attacks.



Company has been identified unauthorized access to computers! Active protection to prevent this?

As a scan, spyware is also the possibility of false alarms cause panic to buy the program.

There are opportunities for you to remove, not just a threat to the computer if you already have, and will not be repeated in future. Manual method requires that the program and go to the log files and manually delete files or messages in the problem before they cause further damage.

# 1 Start the computer in Safe Mode. To do this, restart the computer and press F8 before displaying the Windows startup screen. Then select Safe Mode from the menu.
If you use Safe mode, run the Registry Editor. To do this, go to Step 3 and then change.

This entry from "1" instead should be replaced at the end of the line "0" (zero).
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System "DisableTaskMgr" = "1"

# 2 you need the folder for "security" for us and the program files, delete the following files found in this location.

urphook.dll, Fiosejgfse.dll, about.ico, buy.ico, urp.db, urpext.dll urpprot.exe, virus.mp3, activate.ico.
Locate the following files and delete them. You Protection.lnk, Buy.lnk his Scan.lnk Protection.lnk.

# 3 When you are finished, delete the following registry entries. You can do this, run the Registry Editor to the Windows Start menu, select Run and type "regedt32" and find the following information and delete them go.

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ CLSID \ (5E2121EE-0300-11D4-8D3B-444 553 540 000)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Uninstall \ Security

In the end, you should restart the computer, and the problem can be solved, and their protection is no longer active on the computer. But if you feel the change, and delete files and registry entries on your computer is not an option, not only quickly and easily solve this problem for you, but also helps to keep the problem of relapses.

Option is to turn the system scanner download spyware and other malicious programs on your computer recognizes, including the "protection". The entire process is automatic and fast to remove spyware and viruses on your computer in a few minutes .free of malicious software or harmful


The keyboard has ridden one of the ingredients of a typical office environment - studies have shown amazing keyboard 3295 bacteria per square centimeter!

One challenge is the keyboard, it seems very difficult to clean. People are afraid to lose it when your computer was an error. This is a real concern that they are, but in reality, most keyboards made well and are more than capable of taking over, what they throw.

Before they will respect whatever the purpose of a dirty keyboard needs - in fact, if the keyboard is a bit dirty, so there is no reason not to minutes with minimal effort and money to clean. If the current trend in black keyboard with modern computers. Although it may seem too big to hide dirt very well, so if the keyboard is a black box, should the cleaning at least once a week, are considered to be safe.

If the keyboard so only a few minutes once a week to make a big difference in life except the keyboard, but also their health and their peers.

First, you need a few basic things - in other words, the compressed air, a few wipes, tissues alive and a mild detergent to wash dishes. You can buy alcohol dries most Office Stores, which will replace all of the above bar compressed air.

The first way is to turn off the computer and disconnect the keyboard. If you have a USB keyboard without turning off the computer can be removed, but if you are not sure you turn it on!

After removal of the computer is the next thing up and press firmly on the floor or next to the keyboard without the keys in it. Mix gently, and when the keyboard crumbs that the coins and keys as many as possible.

Then, the compressed air through the air flow between the rows of keys and use the air stream to remove stubborn dirt and bits can be controlled. With the expulsion of the series and repeat the process to remove the last traces of crumbs and under the keys.

Once this is now their own keys. Under the assumption that the keys are slightly dirty, which does not need to delete the actual keyboard.

Make a solution of detergent and hot water - Soak a cotton swab into the solution and remove excess water. Well, wipe away any cotton ball and the keys and clean it regularly to make and change the needle, if necessary. Make sure the padding is not too wet, but the drink does not hurt water between the keys. If necessary, clean the keys of the fabric link.

When finished, repeat the same procedure, a large flat keyboard, with a particular focus of the area of reading to the tilting of the poor, of course, the other - once again, dry cloth when necessary.

As mentioned above, you can deliver an alcohol swab or office use, store to replace the washing and swab samples, but not very well to clean between the keys, then why are other preferred method.

If you follow the above process is repeated every week, and the keyboard is clean of bacteria and be well on your way to healthier and more pleasant at all .Work