Excellent article Joel York Blog (SaaS Chaotic Flow), entitled "SaaS Marketing Tips - The truth makes you free," explains a fundamental difference between the sales of the traditional distribution of software and software-as-a-service. This difference is transparency, or lack thereof, on behalf of software vendors, and the difference in the sales process to different companies and SaaS services such as hosting providers are used.
to teach traditional software vendors "to prevent the disclosure of information beyond the minimum requirements will be implemented." As the structure of the timely payment of these contracts created a strategy for short-term treatment of customers. However, SaaS "Try Before You Buy" and the contract on foot, at any time if the service is not their taste. This creates a long, is openness and trust between the parties, a natural.
As Joel says, Google AdWords is a good example:
"Ask yourself how many hours it with Google Adwords, without debate, the sales staff. How do I compare the average price for all transactions? Now the question is why. The answer is transparency, the reputation of the company's cost per click.
Joel and focuses on an analysis of the software, this applies to all products may be of SaaS hosting services. Expensive items like cars, houses and everyday life, such as music and books. All purchase obligations and the risk is greater involvement of the lower confidence on both sides to be competitive. Complete transparency is the only logical step when it comes to products, comes as business-to-service, because it is a puzzle game when it comes to SaaS provider is.
Who the Prisoner's Dilemma "(a game similar to the negotiation know) Knowing when to buy the game only once bit (like a car a) Both parties have played an incentive to default" or false (that is a reasonable strategy.) But if you play a few times an unknown time for both parties (such as subscription service) is a sensible strategy. "Playing is believing" to create the game "an incentive to move into the strategy together. This is a buggy parts, other errors in the negotiations has been completed, and vice versa. Only a betrayal, not trust, and all to the end of game series supported.
Model-Based Service repetition of the "happenings" of trust and cooperation, you get a short to hide the truth about the long-term loss of a valuable report. Commitment to transparency is one of the least talked about the benefits, not only his business, move to the Company's services, but this type of SaaS hosting company to buy.
Many SaaS hosting company to see and experience this phenomenon on a daily basis. As a company, understand the importance of transparency to try to meet everyone the opportunity to understand their needs. If you get a view not require the company offers a SaaS hosting, we let them know. It makes no sense for the company's service, something to a customer who does not need to sell. It surpasses all recognize. Clients soon that there is no need for a second residence. Create an unproductive for both sides. This is something that all companies need the service.
Consider this: the success of the company's service is not based on transparency and trust?
SAS Tech-Online owns and operates 70 data centers, multi-tenant, secure and reliable in the Midwest. Many types of work and management of dedicated servers offer SaaS hosting, to reduce on-line, technology centers, operational risks and downtime and provides customers with SaaS servers are always awake, always online, always be safe .
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